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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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Morgan Gore

Morgan Gore, Staff reporter

Heyyyyyy!!!!! My name is Morgan Gore and this is my 3rd year on the newspaper staff. I like to hang out with friends, Play board games with my family, and eat whataburger. I spend most of my time either with friends or serving at my church. Over the summer I swam a lot and did a lot of church camps and it was a blast. As much as I love summer my favorite season is definitely winter because I love the cold and snow even though we don’t get much in texas. I am so excited so see all that our school does this year and can’t wait to be on staff again this year!

All content by Morgan Gore
Game Ready // Playing the game Senior Adam Herod holds up his baseball glove to catch the ball, "I am very glad that I get to be a part of this team my senior year," Herod said.

Baseball Basics

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
April 18, 2023
Having a group hug, Juniors Raegan Hollis and Bryn Geppert share an embrace during their soccer game. "I'm most looking forward to seeing what this team can do in the playoffs this year," Geppert said.

Scoring 100

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
March 1, 2023
Having fun, Junior Ava Wesley is getting the tinsel ready to put in her hair. "I love how I got to do multiple exciting assignments and things I have never done before," Wesley said.

Making learning fun

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
March 1, 2023
Best album of 2022

Best album of 2022

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
December 12, 2022
College thinking

College thinking

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
December 12, 2022
Before the football players run out of the tunnel, junior Ellie Eason dances in a victory line. "getting to be apart of when the players run out on the field is one of my favorite parts," Eason said. Raiders defeated Wylie High 26-19.

Crosstown showdown

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
December 12, 2022
Standing tall // Looking tough, the school's security team poses for a picture on Oct.5. "Having new rules this year has made it where the team has better communication than any year before," Ernest Nelson said.

New Security

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
October 7, 2022


writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
October 6, 2022
Raider Research //
Working hard, junior Alexis Babb starts to work on her physics work on Sep. 26th. "I love physics. I thought I wasn't going to because of other people in past grades, but I do," Babb said.

Junior Year

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
October 3, 2022

Cons of lurking

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
May 10, 2022
Senior spirit \\ Senior Keoni Hernandez gets prepared with the athletic trainers for Meet the Raider night Aug. 19. “I became a trainer because I want to be an automotive racing physical therapist when I graduate and I can learn the basics of physical therapy by being a trainer,” Hernandez said.

Trainer Thoughts

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
May 10, 2022
School spirit \\ Senior Everett Vasquez sings the senior chant with his grade at the pep rally Feb. 25 “I love hosting the pep rallies. I find it so enjoyable, but next time, I hope I can remember the words to the senior chant,” Vasquez said.

Pep rally spirit

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
March 29, 2022
1st period:
Watching her flag, senior Kaitlyn Larson practices for the upcoming winterguard competition. “I chose to be in color guard because my friend planned on being in it and I wanted to be involved in an extracurricular activity in high school," Larson said. "I like color guard because you get to be a part of a team and make extremely supportive friends along the way.”

A day in the life

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
March 22, 2022
In the zone \\ Showing her game face, sophomore Raegan Hollis helps her team win against Denison. Varsity beat Denison 9-0 Jan. 25.

Soccer Star

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
February 18, 2022
Medal Memories \\ Standing with their awards, junior Ryan Smith and the BPA contest winners were awarded medals for their achievements. "I felt like the man when I won," Smith said.

Big wins for BPA

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
February 10, 2022
A Year in Review 2021

A Year in Review 2021

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
January 26, 2022
Kayla Farrias: Class of 2013

Kayla Farrias: Class of 2013

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
December 8, 2021
Sophomore Lauren Hall styles flour baby Lizzo West for the next

Baby Fever

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
December 1, 2021
Pinching the pots \ Junior Ash Elgerash poses with her pinch pot she made in art class. “I’ve been drawing on my walls since I was two but I’ve been in an art class of some sort since I was 12,” Elgerash said.

Acing the art

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
November 15, 2021
Two of a kind \ Junior Aubrey Gibson sees her mom, an attendance clerk, at school daily. "I really enjoy having my mom at school with me," junior Aubrey Gibson said.  "She is always right there when I need her."

Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree 

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
November 3, 2021
New guy \\ Working on his computer, Tooke is responding to a student's email about the assignment in class that day. Tooke teaches English I.

The teacher with the coolest hair: Mr. Tooke 

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
September 29, 2021
Now and then \\ Back when they were students at this school, Mrs. McKenna Tooke and Mr. Zach Neu were friends. "The dress code is incredibly relaxed compared to my experience here," Mrs. Tooke said.

Blast from the past

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
September 14, 2021
Caught by surprise \\ Asking sophomore Miranda Bailon to homecoming, sophomore Isaac Flores popped the question Aug. 23.

Homecoming proposal

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
September 1, 2021
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