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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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Addie Orr

Addie Orr, Editor in Chief

As a senior, yearbook co-editor-in-chief, newspaper editor-in-chief, Sapphire Lieutenant, AP student, and full time fangirl, the words “free time” don’t exactly fit into my vocabulary. Throw two brothers (one, a freshman in college, the other, a freshman in high school) into the mix, and there’s never a moment where all cars are in the driveway. Nevertheless, what little spare time I have is taken up by sleep, food, makeup and writing (you know, the important things). I have an addiction to Tex-Mex and mac and cheese, which are (in my humble opinion) God’s greatest gifts to the world. My obsessions are constantly changing, but when it comes down to it, I always revert back to my two main fandoms: the Marvel Cinematic Universe (my favorite heroes being Doctor Strange and Spiderman) and Harry Potter. I live with my parents, one brother and pet shrimp, Lucky. 

All content by Addie Orr
Senior Hanna Harmon performs as a soloist in the 2018 POTE marching show Conquered. 

[Photo] Going solo

writer: Maggie Volpi, Editor-in-Chief
August 24, 2021
Guns up \\ Posing as Mass Media ends at last year's show, Aileen Khuu smiles towards the audience. The Pride of the East performed MASSIVE under the direction of Gregory Hayes.

[Photo] Flag this artist

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
September 2, 2020

Claws Out for Tiger King

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 15, 2020
Aunt Em

Aunt Em

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 8, 2020


writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 8, 2020


writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 8, 2020
Got it \\ Singing "Y'all got it," junior Jamie Gammon portrays the Wiz at dress rehearsal Oct. 9. The musical debuts Oct. 10.

The Wiz

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 8, 2020


writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 8, 2020
This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Epidemic shuts down schools

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
March 17, 2020
Man enough // Senior Jaron Harbison takes the crown at the fourth annual Big Man on Campus. Harbison performed a moving rendition of “Rainbow Connection” on his banjo. “It was honestly kind of a shock when they announced my name. I truly was not expecting to get first place, especially up against the other guys competing and how good they were doing,” Harbison said. “I wasn’t even wanting to do it anyways, but people insisted and motivated me to do it and I’m glad I did because winning was definitely a highlight of my senior year.”

Big Man on Campus is back

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
February 11, 2020
Shining bright \\ Senior Jaron Harbison helps lead the National Honor Society's induction ceremony. "Sometimes it is harder to do the right thing than it is to do the bad thing, but it pays off in the end," Harbison said.

[Photo] Long story short, he’s Jaron Harbison

writer: Cameron Johnson, journalism student
January 29, 2020
Sam Cinalli: Class of 2015

Sam Cinalli: Class of 2015

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
November 29, 2019
He's not just a homecoming prince. sophomore Luis Lopez is full of talent. "I am passionate about choir because it is a whole new way to express yourself not only relying on words, but on dynamics and rhythms to convey a message," Luis said.

[Photo] Long story short, he’s Luis Lopez.

writer: Jevon Harbert, journalism student
November 18, 2019
Brainy band // Junior Ryan Rodarte receives his honor cord from Principal Mr. Mike Williams for earning all As the last semester of his sophomore year. The band celebrated the academic success of its members in a San Antonio steakhouse dinner ceremony Nov. 3.

Drum roll please

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
November 12, 2019
Toss up\\ Senior Stephanie Rodriguez tosses a rifle during the second movement, Mass Media, of the state-bound show entitled "Massive."

Pride of Wylie

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
November 1, 2019
Beyond a bridge \\ Though I did not see anything supernatural at the Goatman’s bridge in Denton, Texas, tales of the site tell a different story.

Bridge less travelled

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
October 31, 2019
Overprotected // Wearing the t shirt he received for promoting the Rollout, senior Enoch Olajimi believes that the use of Chromebooks would be more beneficial to teachers and students if the restrictions were loosened. GoGuardian and other methods of web protection cause more problems than prevent.

[Photo] Chromebook Rollout

writer: Enoch Olajimi, Sports Editor
October 30, 2019
 Acapella Choir finishes one of the only choreographed songs, Balleilakka, with flare. The Fall concert, put together by Mr. and Mrs.Dame, had six choirs all showcasing all of their work so far this year. “It was so fast and fun to do.” sophomore Cheyann Hicks said.

[Photo] Choir braves the elements in fall concert

writer: Heath Hadley, Editor in Chief
October 30, 2019
On the rise\\ Sophomore Arianna Perez hits her final pose of the band show's second movement based around Mass Media. The band competed at the UIL Area Marching Competition and placed high enough to earn a highly coveted spot in the State competition in San Antonio.

A Massive State-ment

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
October 28, 2019
Heading home  \\ Sophomore Marla Niego  playing Glinda, sings "Believe in Yourself" to Dorothy, portrayed by junior Jocelin Wesley during the second act of The Wiz, which ran Oct. 10-12. "Home to me is choir and theatre. Every time I come to the fine arts section of the school I feel like stress is lifted from me," Wesley said. "I  also enjoy being around the same people who have similar interests and passions as I do because when we all come together it's really special."

Bringing it home

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
October 10, 2019
Drumming up support \ Entering the Wylie Walmart, senior percussionist Luke Enns plays the school fight song before ending the annual March-a-thon Sept. 7.

Just keep marching

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
September 13, 2019
 Only friend I need// After making a short video as a team, the Sapphires went viral on the popular social media app TikTok.“It makes me super happy to know that I went viral off of a video with all my best friends in it,” Sapphire Captain Berry Stevens said.

TikTok on the clock

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
August 28, 2019
Lab frenzy // Senior Isabelle Coffman begins the process of fetal pig dissection in forensics Dec. 3, 2018. Construction from the recently passed bond begins this summer. The planned renovations will include several new lab spaces to accommodate growth in the coming years.


writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
May 23, 2019
Sudden success // Singing Ya Never Know during a dress rehearsal of Little Shop of Horrors, Seymour Krelboyne, played by freshman Elbert Haney, is surrounded by Doo-Wop girls senior Macy Herrera, junior Cecil Pulley and sophomore Iris Kurz as they sing about his recent success stemming from the plant, Audrey II. Haney received a nomination for Best Leading Actor alongside other nominations with castmates and crew.

Little Shop of success

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 10, 2019
A look back \\ Little did journalism adviser Mrs. Casi Thedford know that the photo she was taking of her daughter seven years ago would be used to showcase current Sapphires when they attended the Junior Jewel clinic as young girls. Senior Jordan Smith, on the front row, far left, attended the same clinic and is now an officer on the drill team. See her 'before' and 'after' below.

Dancing through the decades

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
April 5, 2019
Addie-Layne Parrish

[Photo] What ifs

writer: Zoe Villegas, Staff Reporter
March 25, 2019
A HERo \\ Captain Marvel breaks boundaries as the first female-led superhero film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, due to this, she faces unjust scrutiny for not being feminine enough.

Like a girl

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
March 7, 2019
Season of service \\ Giving a thumbs up as her resident places her marker on the correct spot, sophomore Halli Fulton volunteers at Founders Plaza Nursing home along with the Sapphires for their service project. The drill team spent the day hanging out, singing Christmas songs, and handing out gifts to the residents there.

Sapphires at your service

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
February 5, 2019
Say ‘ah’ // Telling senior Emilie Johns to open wide, junior Maverick Herrera portrays the deranged dentist Orin Scrivello during the dress rehearsal of Little Shop of Horrors Jan. 15.

Down on Skid Row

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
January 22, 2019
Fit the bill // While both shows were thoroughly entertaining, East’s production of Little Shop of Horrors stole the show compared to High’s Newsies.  Both shows took place the weekend of Jan. 18.

Musical match-up

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
January 23, 2019
Buzz kill // Secretary Mrs. Tracey Archibald buzzes in a student from the front office. The new buzz in system was put in place at all WISD school campuses.

Buzz word

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
December 4, 2018
Wizard watch // The Crimes Of Grindelwald was thoroughly entertaining for new viewers, but may cause some confusion for those familiar to the series. Despite the confusion, it still makes for a good movie and worthwhile watch.

The Crimes of Fantastic Beasts

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
November 18, 2018
Cheerful champion // Junior Landon Scroggins reacts after being told his, and partner junior Ismael Raul Villa’s, hydraulic system advanced to the second and final round of the National Fluid Power Association’s Fluid Power Action Challenge. The pair also earned the school a $500 grant. Mrs. Candice Lawrence teaches their Engineering Designs and Presentations II class.

Water works

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
October 11, 2018
Pensive prepper // Listening to Mr. Jeff Hattaway explain the answers to a practice test, junior Jaron Harbison participates in a PSAT and National Merit Scholarship prep class during Power Hour Sept. 19. The students selected for the class earned the top 30 scores on last year’s PSAT. All ninth through 11th grade students will take the PSAT Oct. 10.

[Photo] Preparing for PSAT

writer: Melissa Wrobel, Staff Reporter
October 3, 2018
Starting over \\ The choir, the band, JROTC and the cheerleaders recorded the Alma Mater and Fight Song for the school to learn Aug. 31. As the first year with new Head Choir Director Mr. Nathan Dame, the choir department has revamped the style. Prestige, the school’s show choir, has now changed to Out of the Blue.

[Photo] Out of nowhere

writer: Zoe Villegas, Staff Reporter
September 25, 2018
A sweet introduction // At the concert, Head Choir Director Mrs. Terry Berrier tells the audience what’s in store for the Pop Mashup concert Jan. 23. This year is Mrs. Berrier’s last year of teaching.

[Photo] Singing the blues

writer: Zoe Villegas, Staff Reporter
May 23, 2018
What loss looks like // Running towards the audience, Hernandez rushes from the fictional downfall of Pompeii that the 2018 Winterguard show is based upon at the end of the Band Midwinter Concert Feb. 13.

[Photo] What’s up with Winterguard?

writer: Liz Harkins, Copy Editor
April 18, 2018
Listen and learn // Reviewing for the upcoming government test, history teacher Mr. Levi Turner goes over the correct answers on the review using Kahoot to engage his students in class Feb. 17 during fourth period. The new teacher who has just joined the WEHS staff is a favorite among students.

[Photo] Turner turns the day around

writer: Lindy Surratt, Yearbook Staff Member
April 18, 2018
Looking good // The 2016-2017 yearbook, inSight, was selected to be included in Jostens’ Look Book, a book filled with the best designs from schools across the nation to inspire other schools.

Yearbook Captured.

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
March 25, 2018
Summer dances // Playing the trombone, freshman Thomas Freeman looks up at the director to keep time. The Wind Ensemble played at the Mid Winter concert Feb. 13, preparing for UIL in March.

[Photo] Five day frenzy

writer: Jazmine Garcia, Digital Editor
February 15, 2018
Insightful learning \\ Freshman Hope Contractor and practicum of education students participate in a simulation of what everyday life is like for students with vision impairments. “I asked Mrs. Self to come speak to my classes about her job as an orientation and mobility specialist,” education teacher Mrs. Jessica Taylor said. “She brought blindfolds and canes for the students to navigate the hallways, with little or no vision."

[Photo] Living in the dark

writer: Lindy Surratt, Yearbook Staff Member
February 10, 2018
Review Ready// Watching the NFL commercial, this year’s group of commercials stood out as some of the best in years.

Super Bowl, super ads

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
February 5, 2018
Don't get your turkey in a twist

Don’t get your turkey in a twist

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
November 15, 2017
Courteous captain // Looking up at the stands, senior colorguard captain Thalia Morales flaunts her pink breast cancer ribbon she and the band wear in support of Fine Arts Secretary Mrs. Wendy Norman Oct. 14. Norman is very appreciative of the grand gesture and loves the students for it. “I am humbled beyond all words by the support that the band kids and staff have shown me. Some of the kids have given me gifts and everyday several students ask me questions with sincerity,” Norman said. photo by Addie Orr.

[Photo] Going the whole nine yards

writer: Liz Harkins, Copy Editor
October 20, 2017
Me, freshmen Brita Burns, Audrey Wentz and junior Shelby Causey, ready for the pep rally.

A day in the life of a Sapphire: Homecoming edition

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
October 23, 2017
Dance the night away // Jamming out in the middle of a dance circle, sophomore T.K Gaykin and Junior Jordan Murphy attended the homecoming dance last year. Photo by Abby Cox

Pro Hoco

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
October 6, 2017
How far we’ve come // The twinkling of lights, the stench of paint, the ring of eerie music, and the sense of satisfaction filled Humanities II students as they looked back at their final product that was Hell hall. The wall was judged by previous Humanities II students and teacher Mrs. Glennda Bayron, receiving an A on the long mural.

To Hell and back

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
October 1, 2017
Bling Party / / Listening to her Junior Jewel, freshman Gabby Mellado watches her place rhinestones on her shirt. The Sapphires hosted a clinic for elementary and intermediate school girls Saturday, Sept. 23. The attendees learned a dance to a remix of Moana’s "How Far I’ll Go" and will perform it at the Sept. 28 football game.

Junior Jewels shine bright at clinic

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
September 27, 2017
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