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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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Jaylee Paredes

Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter

Hi!!! I’m Jaylee Paredes and this is my third year on the newspaper staff. I’m also involved in other organizations such as Colorguard, College Club, TAFE, and Diversity Club. I really enjoy listening to music, taking pictures, and being around my friends. I’m looking forward to being able to expand my writing and photography skills this year through the website!

All content by Jaylee Paredes
Pose \\ Striking a pose for the end of this year's marching band show Re:Imagine, senior Obosa Odia looks out to the audience and drum major to wait for her cue to start the next movement.

Live it, spin it

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
December 13, 2022
Dance the night away \\ Performing out to the audience, soloist Eliana Wade dances around the band with her GoPro on. "I think my favorite part was watching the video afterwards and hearing everything just like I would if I were actually on the field, Wade said. "It was a super fun experience and Im so glad I got to do it!"

An inside perspective

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
November 3, 2022
Get creative // Painting a rock with a positive message, junior Angel Rojas participates in this year’s Wylie Way Day activity in Education teacher Mrs. Hill’s class. Mrs. Hill’s class offered healthy coping skills for when life gets tough. “The objective of our idea was to provide students with real-world, hands-on experiences that they need to be productive, healthy adults,” said Hill. “There is a call for this type of curriculum from parents and community members, and what better way to provide these types of experiences than in CTE!”

A change in Wylie Way

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
October 5, 2022
Making a difference \\ Posing for a picture,  TAFE members show off their medals as they advance to nationals.

TAFE advances

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
March 16, 2022

Countess Lilly

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2022

Vlad Popov

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2022
Moon rise \\ Starting off the beginning of the show, soloist senior Tailene Morales opens the windows to allow everyone to start their work. Morales is representing the Moon Goddess in junior varsity’s show, Alone with the Moon. “When performing, it’s exciting to embody the role of the Moon Goddess for the audience and share my talents as a dancer,” Morales said.

Captivating colorguard

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
January 27, 2022


writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
January 19, 2022
Great pyramid \\ Working with kindergarteners from Birmingham Elementary, Kayla Robinson shows kids how to add and subtract by taking away and adding back 10 cups.

Ready Raider Readers

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
January 11, 2022
Siren calls \\ Conducting his Belavochi class, Dr. Nathan Dame helps students with their vocal exercises called “Sirens.” The exercise is to help open up the student’s soft pallets and warm up their vocal cords.

[Photo] Sing it out

October 10, 2021
Kenia Ascencio: Class of 2014

Kenia Ascencio: Class of 2014

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
December 7, 2021
Holiday calendar

Holiday calendar

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
December 3, 2021
Pb&j time \\ Laughing while constructing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, senior Immanuella Olajuyigbe helps her teammates try and put together the sandwich. Students were asked to write instructions in Professor Elizabeth Simmons’ Dual Credit English class and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to practice procedural writing.

Bite of reality sandwich

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
November 5, 2021
Practice makes perfect \\ Performing towards the audience, junior Madi Shavers and seniors Meredith Simmons and Naomi Jacob act out one of their scenes during a dress rehearsal before their upcoming show "Anastasia".

Remember us

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
October 26, 2021
Behind the gift \\ Accepting the opposing team’s student council gift, senior Ryah Hill shows off the gift from Mt. Pleasant at the varsity football game Aug.26.

Behind the gift exchange

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
October 1, 2021
Hoco prep \\ Preparing for homecoming week, senior Arely Sandoval decorates Student Council’s wall. “I had a lot of fun helping set up the background as well as the arrivals/departure signs,” Sandoval said. "Especially because it is my last year being able to do it.”

Homecoming returns

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
August 30, 2021
Shop till you drop // In the library there is a prom pop-up shop for students to get free dresses if they need them. It is open on March 31 from 12:30 to 1:30 and April 1 from 12:40 to 1:40.

[Photo] Prom upDATE

writer: Heath Hadley, Editor in Chief
April 7, 2021
Drummin' it out \\ Playing the drums for his band Triple Forte, senior Aiden Klutts performs a Jimmy Hendrix song with his bandmate at the talent show. “It was our first time 
performing in front of a crowd like that, so it was a killer time for sure,” Klutts said.

STUCO hosts annual talent show

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
March 27, 2021
NHS tutoring

NHS tutoring

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
January 25, 2021
High fliers // Juniors Bailey Causey and Heath Hadley were recently accepted into NASA's Texas High School Aerospace Scholars Program.

[Photo] Two infinity and beyond

writer: Hannah Hansen, Editor-in-Chief
December 4, 2020
Setting a scene // Painting the set for the upcoming show, Midsummer Night's Dream, sophomore Jude Kurtz adds his finishing touches to the set building. Thespians will perform Shakespeare in the Park Monday, Oct. 12 at Founders Park.

Read between the lines

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
October 2, 2020
Senior's testing rooms are posted out in the main hallway. Seniors will be taking their SAT on Sep. 23.

District pays for seniors to take SAT

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
September 19, 2020
Guns up \\ Posing as Mass Media ends at last year's show, Aileen Khuu smiles towards the audience. The Pride of the East performed MASSIVE under the direction of Gregory Hayes.

Flag this artist

writer: Jaylee Paredes, Staff Reporter
September 2, 2020
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