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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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Who dunnit \\ Play-testing their game “Clue & Punishment,” teammates Luke Reinert, Jonathan Yared, Hunter Watson and Filmon Andemichael worked for several weeks on their final product. “I wanted to be the Creative Director because I definitely have a perfectionist side, and I wanted the game to look really good,” Reinert said.

Criminally fun

writer: Maggie Volpi, Editor-in-Chief
March 14, 2025
Autumn delights \\ Making final touches, culinary student Jordan Truong organizes the goodie bags the advanced culinary arts class would sell at the theater's production of the musical "Grease" Oct. 19 and Oct 21. The students chefs work continuously throughout the school year to cater meals for various school activities.

Crumbly culinary creations

writer: Gloria Olajimi, Editor-in-Chief
November 27, 2023
Hand in hand \\ Singing the famous duet, Duo de Fleurs, seniors Lucy Ramirez and Carolyn Childrey perform at the talent show Mar. 22. "Performing in the talent show was like showing off to people what we, the performers, could do,"  Ramirez said. "I also loved being able to get to know more people because of the different acts. I met my friend Antwon Anderson through the talent show over past years, and it really is just a fun thing to do if you want to put yourself out there."

Raider’s got talent

writer: Gloria Olajimi, Editor-in-Chief
March 24, 2023
Spot the difference \\ The image to the left is a piece entitled “Baked to Perfection” created by junior Vivian Nguyen and to the right is the Manga-AI-converted version of the piece. “The hands and facial features are gone and everything is so blurred,” Nguyen said. “Even though it was only inspired by my work, not an exact copy, the AI version isn’t even a quality piece.”

Artist animosity

writer: Gloria Olajimi, Editor-in-Chief
February 6, 2023
Before the football players run out of the tunnel, junior Ellie Eason dances in a victory line. "getting to be apart of when the players run out on the field is one of my favorite parts," Eason said. Raiders defeated Wylie High 26-19.

Crosstown showdown

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
December 12, 2022

Ignite your flame

writer: Gloria Olajimi, Editor-in-Chief
December 2, 2022
Standing tall // Looking tough, the school's security team poses for a picture on Oct.5. "Having new rules this year has made it where the team has better communication than any year before," Ernest Nelson said.

New Security

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
October 7, 2022


writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
October 6, 2022


writer: Maggie Volpi, Editor-in-Chief
October 6, 2022
Top row: Morgan Gore, Jaylee Paredes, and Maggie Volpi
Bottom Row: Gloria Olajimi and Hannah Hansen

Dream Team

writer: Hannah Hansen, Editor-in-Chief
August 26, 2022
Follow the leader \\ Smiling at her bandmates, senior Celine Abuga gives the band instructions on District Band Night  Oct 20.

Sensational Senior

writer: Gloria Olajimi, Editor-in-Chief
May 17, 2022

Cons of lurking

writer: Morgan Gore, Staff reporter
May 10, 2022
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