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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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Maddie Smith

Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster

[Insert cute Tumblr quote here]. My name is Maddie Smith and my life goal is to be the sassiest person alive. My sass is expressed in my writing, (terrible) drawing, and current select-favorite TV character (Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons and Protector of the Realm). I like to think of myself as an individualist but, let’s be real, I hop on bandwagons quite often, I mean just look at the first line.  If I haven’t convinced you that I’m just like you, then let’s just throw in that I’m adopted. My passion is to help people and newspaper seems to be the place to reach the biggest audience. You need help? I’ll help. Someone to listen? I’ll listen. Someone to give you unsolicited advice, then not take it themselves? I got you. I wish you luck in years to come. XOXO, Maddie.

All content by Maddie Smith
Class of 2020 Lauren Vasquez was in my program for four years, leading to a close friendship.

[Photo] Continued on page…

writer: Casi Thedford, Adviser
May 13, 2022
Picture perfect \\ Maddie Smith's photo of Eliesha Perez was featured as a divider page in the 2020 edition of Jostens Look Book.

[Photo] Time for celebrations

writer: Casi Thedford, Adviser
September 14, 2020
Leaps and bounds // Junior Destini Jeter becomes the girls’ 300m hurdles Area Champion at the Area Track meet held in the Lovejoy ISD stadium. Jeter automatically qualifies for the Region II-5A Championship meet April 26-27.

Runners compete in Area track meet

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
April 23, 2019
Badged up // Covered in medals, senior Wylie Dunham expresses his gratitude to his family and friends as he receives his rank as Eagle Scout. Dunham has been a Boy Scout for six years and worked hard for the past two years to earn the title of Eagle Scout. “All my time and hard work finally paid off and it’s now going to benefit me in the future,” Dunham said.

[Photo] Soaring to new heights

writer: Enoch Olajimi, Sports Editor
March 6, 2019
All in // Backing up the line, senior Mateo Andrew Duran plays defense during a varsity football scrimmage against Flower Mound in August. “During the summer I would work a lot,” Duran said. “All the money I would make in the summer, I would balance it out during football season.” Mateo is a father and an athlete. “I would work weekends and certain days during the week. It was hard, but I was able to manage.”

[Photo] Child’s play

writer: Valeria Herrera, Staff Reporter
February 26, 2019
Singing to the top // Sophomore Jamie Gammon is the first choir student to make the All-State choir since 2016. Gammon was the lead in the theatre production “Little Shop of Horrors” and will be in San Antonio for the Texas Music Educators Association convention Feb.14-16.

[Photo] All-State: This is how they won it  

writer: Jazmine Garcia, Digital Editor
February 14, 2019
Downtown // Sophomore Jamie Gammon, portraying a frustrated Audrey, sings “Skid Row (Downtown)” while surrounded by the Doo-Wop girls during a dress rehearsal of Little Shop of Horrors Jan 15.

[Photo] Down on Skid Row

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
January 22, 2019
Weed-eater // Senior Jacob Pryor uses an electric hedge trimmer to shape Mrs. Jennifer Holcomb’s bushes. Mrs. Holcomb was recently diagnosed with cancer in her colon, back and liver. “I was so touched at their generosity and outreach to me,” Holcomb said.

The whole nine yards

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
January 11, 2019
Whistling Harmon // Playing the flute, freshman Hanna Harmon tours WISD elementary schools. The Wind Symphony performed at the schools Dec. 10-11.

Tour de force

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
December 12, 2018
Showing off \\Freshman Aileen Khuu performs Conquered at half time during the homecoming game. The high standards of the colorguard have only improved their performances.

[Photo] Radiant Royalty

writer: Haley Ford, Staff Reporter
November 30, 2018
“G’luck” // Wishing Mesquite High School’s varsity volleyball team good luck, the Lady Raiders complete their pre-game obligations. The varsity volleyball team finished second in their district and will play Frisco Wakeland Oct. 30 in a playoff match.

Volleyball is playoff-bound once again

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
October 30, 2018
YB ad

[Photo] Buy your yearbook jingle

writer: Avery Platt & Sheridan Woodrow, journalism students
October 24, 2018
Onlookers \\ Teaching to his third period physics class, Coach Heath Andrews demonstrates an egg drop experiment. Coach Andrews has 32 students in his third period class.

Fuller house

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
September 4, 2018
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[Photo] Haley Ford

August 24, 2018
Strike One \\ Catching a pitch, freshman Sammy Harris positions himself in a wide stance to snag the baseball. He offers advice on what baseball players can do to pass the time during a rain delay.

[Photo] 6 things to do during rain delay

writer: Sammy Harris, Journalism Student
March 9, 2018
On top // Finding a President Lincoln-esque hat, senior Zelunjo Chumageabu tries it on, while stating his presidential election promises. “Our next presidential candidate,” Pepper Nix, AP history teacher and trip chaperone, said.

One for the books

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
March 11, 2018
Santa’s helper \\ Student Council president Abel Elias helps out at Burnett Junior High’s school library during the Christmas season. “I felt Student Council was the most active organization for me to get involved with,”  Elias said. Student Council works on an assortment of activities every year to improve the community.

[Photo] Giving the seal of approval

writer: Addie Phillips, journalism student
March 2, 2018
AcDec graphic

[Photo] Acing AcDec

writer: Jazmine Garcia, Digital Editor
October 20, 2017
Walk the chalk // Writing happy messages, sophomore Huong Huynh prepares for the first Wylie Way day of the year. Student council members volunteered to write inspiring messages in chalk by each school entrance.

[Photo] Happy days are here again

writer: Zoe Villegas, Staff Reporter
September 15, 2017
3. Shotgun wedding // JROTC students walk the spirit flags down an aisle of Pacesetters (now the Sapphires). The flags even pronounce the Wylie High lingo “AHMO”.

Out with the old, in with the new

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
September 20, 2017
Spirit sponsor // Directing the crowd, senior Madison Dorethy pumps up the student section during the varsity football game. The team defeated Hallsville 28-24 Sept. 8. Photo by Harper Taylor

School’s in, spirit’s out

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
September 12, 2017
Fears over years

Fears over years

writer: Cheyanne Voelker and Maddie Smith
February 16, 2017
Sweet treats or bitter eats \\ Analyzing the chocolates, sophomore Maddie Smith judges Valentines gifts. The box of gooey sweets earned a four-out-of-five for variety and it’s modest price.

Sweet nothings

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
February 10, 2017
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