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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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Valerie Msafiri

Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor

I’m finally a senior! Yay! I’ve done this gig for four years now, and I couldn’t be more happy with where I am. Since my last name is apparently hard to pronounce, you won’t have to guess how to read it in your head as you read this beautifully constructed bio. HI :) I’m Valerie Msafiri (mm- sA- fi-ri) or Msafari or Msafire… you get the idea. That’s probably the most interesting thing about me, but I bet I can make you laugh at least once in a conversation. No, seriously, DM me on Twitter (@kingg.val). So according to my mom, “school is my life,” but while I’m not being a senior and doing school stuff, like reading, writing, or studying, you can find me at home…reading, writing or studying. I’m also a devout music connoisseur, and any chance I get, I will have headphones in. I’m involved in so many other clubs on campus, but none of them hold true to my heart as this one. Enjoy :)

All content by Valerie Msafiri
Best of \\ Seniors Huong Huynh  and Jason Chu are the Class of 2020 valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively.

Top of the Class of 2020

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
April 20, 2020
Stunt double \\ When sophomore Abby Malhiot rolled her ankle mid-routine, cheer sponsor Mrs. Amy Torres didn't miss a beat to sub in for her. “I was happy to step in to assist with the routine,” Mrs. Torres said.

Sponsors jump in just in time

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
November 11, 2019
Git down \\ Following through on their challenge to the Sapphires, the administration, including Mrs. Tiffany Doolan, throwdown to the Git Up Challenge, popularized by Tik Tok. Doolan is the new Associate Principal, coming from Birmingham Elementary. "What’s really important to me is building strong relationships with the teachers and the students. I try to be visible and out of my office every chance I get, so I can welcome the staff and students," Mrs. Doolan said.

Second in command: Tiffany Doolan

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
September 25, 2019
During the first pep-rally of the school year, senior Addie Orr performs with her Sapphire team. Orr is a National Merit semi-finalist.

Long story short, she’s Addie Orr

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
September 20, 2019
All smiles around here \\ After picking up a lonely football on the field, senior Genesis Monterroso engages in a game of catch with her StuCo members. Monterroso was the brains behind the event with her new social committee in the organization.

Raider rendezvous

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
September 10, 2019
eden by valerie

[Photo] In loving memory

writer: Eden Stegall, Staff Reporter
March 28, 2019

[Video] Sapphire Spin on Saturday

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
March 28, 2019
Thumbs up \\  Relishing in his students’ music, Mr. Basset attended all pep rallies as he directs the Pride of the East.  “Reliving the same day is BORING,” Mr. Basset said.

Mr. Adam Basset

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
March 2, 2019
Poker face \\ Walking outside the gyms, Coach Alton Dixon teaches all types of physical education, from P.E. to junior varsity football. “I want to inspire, motivate and become an essential piece to the Wylie Way,” Coach Dixon said.

Coach Alton Dixon

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
March 2, 2019
Jack of all trades \\ Preparing a video for his sixth period US History class, Mr. Garner comments on the appreciation he has for working here. “I want to grow as a professional teacher, to really impact the lives of my students,” Garner said.

All the way to the top: Mr. Jack Garner

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
February 27, 2019
Like patchwork \\ Reminiscing on the past and hoping to educate the future, substitute teacher Ms. Emma Stafford holds a quilt display in the media center Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, marking the beginning of Black History Month. “This is an educational project,” Stafford said. “Each quilt holds memories about the person who made it and why.”

Made from scratch

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
February 7, 2019

Hall of games

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
December 18, 2018
Buzz kill // Secretary Mrs. Tracey Archibald buzzes in a student from the front office. The new buzz in system was put in place at all WISD school campuses.

[Photo] Buzz word

writer: Addie Orr, Editor in Chief
December 4, 2018

Say hello to the big screen

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
October 15, 2018
Theresa Sackey

Nov. 2, 2001-Aug. 16, 2018

The greatest of all human blessings

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
September 7, 2018
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[Photo] Haley Ford

August 24, 2018
School Smart // As she prepares for her next humanities quiz, sophomore Samara Huckvale studies an old essay she wrote. Huckvale credits her AP classes for teaching her formal writing. “My classes are very challenging in a sense where I can do it, but it’s not very easy,” Huckvale said.

Speak the speech

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
March 22, 2018
Supportive Raider \\ 
Silently paying his respects for the lost lives at Parkland, senior and staff reporter Kieron Hunter takes part in the memorial on Unity Day during the beginning of lunch. “It really brought everything into perspective,” said Hunter. “You hear it all the time on the news how someone died but they really never show their pictures. Actually seeing the pictures of the victims really showed that they were just everyday people.”

[Video] Praying for Parkland

writer: Valeria Herrera, Staff Reporter
March 9, 2018
I am man enough // Senior Sebastian Garcia wins the grand title, Big Man on Campus.

[Video] Are you man enough?

writer: Jamie Tourtillott, Photo Editor
November 12, 2017

[Video] Coming home

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
October 22, 2017
Ol’ razzle dazzle // Playing Mrs. Dazzle, principal of ‘Fairytale Elementary’ in Rewind Faires, junior Emilie Johns sets the scene for the young students of Cox Elementary. Rewind Fairies participates in the anti-bullying movement with everything in the show revolving around the ‘Golden Rule.’

Stop, that wasn’t kind

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
October 10, 2017
A mother’s mom-mentum // While washing her mother’s car, freshman Ashley Goss stops for a quick conversation. The car wash was one of Goss’ first ever ITS events. “I was really nervous at first, my first big event” Ashley said. “But my mom was really supportive when she came to see me.”

Parable of good thespians

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
September 12, 2017
Every little bit counts// In donating change to Student Council members, junior Jordan Meyer partakes in her campus’ efforts in donating back to the Hurricane Harvey relief. Stuco received over $1,400 in monetary donations and as a campus, students donated over $5,000 worth of supplies.

Raiders aid and abet

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
September 8, 2017
Together we stand // Uniting together, five students symbolize the needed unity between all citizens of the Unites States. While this country has a dark history, it’s important to respect each other as human beings.

We are the UNITED States of America

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
August 30, 2017

Printing possibilities

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
May 8, 2017
Wheels turning \\ Having moved here from Vietnam when she was 6, Huong Huynh has taken an interest in art. Concentrating on painting her colorwheel during Mrs.Tigert’s fifth period Art I class, freshman Huong Huynh admits that while she is more focused on academics, she has a passion for fine arts.

Knowledge is power

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
February 17, 2017
Sweet treats or bitter eats \\ Analyzing the chocolates, sophomore Maddie Smith judges Valentines gifts. The box of gooey sweets earned a four-out-of-five for variety and it’s modest price.

[Photo] Sweet nothings

writer: Maddie Smith, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster
February 10, 2017
"The month of February  is Black History Month. The shortest month of the year rolls around, and nothing. Why isn’t there a day, just a day, to talk about black history during the month of February, to acknowledge the amazing things black people have done for our country?" 
--Valerie Msafiri

It’s Black-ish History Month

writer: Valerie Msafiri, Video Editor
February 15, 2017
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