Freshman Jessica Benfield is one student against animal consumption.
“I saw a video about what happens to the animals when they go to the slaughter houses and I did not like it at all,” Benfield said.
PETA offers several videos on the effects of harmful products used on small animals.
A vegetarian is someone who does not eat any meat, poultry, game (any animal that is hunted, shellfish, or crustaceans (including lobsters, shrimp and crabs), or any other product that comes from dead animals.
“I’ve been one for about a year and a half,” Benfield said.
With Teenage girls needing 45 grams of protein a day, vegetarians need an alternate source of protein.
“I eat a lot of rice and beans, and soy. At Mexican restaurants I eat a lot of queso and that’s good,” Benfield said
After eating meat for 14 years it was hard for Benfield to stop.
“Sometimes I miss meat, but then I think of the video I saw and it all goes away,” Benfield said.
Many people think that vegetarians judge meat eaters for not living their life styles, but Benfield does not.
“I don’t judge meat eaters because everyone eats meat; we’re in Texas, everyone here eats meat,” Benfield said.
Restaurants can be a huge disadvantage to those who choose not to eat meat.
“I eat a lot of chips and dip, and if there are any other things I eat that too. I don’t really like tofu,” Benfield said.