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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

Blue Print

  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

Blue Print

The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

Blue Print

Shelby Perry

Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor

Oh hey! Didn’t see ya there.

While you’re here, let me introduce myself: My name’s Shelby. I would say you might have seen me running around the halls, but I stopped growing in the 5th grade and will now be five foot tall for the rest of my life, so unless you’re looking low- you probably haven’t. But if you’re interested enough to search me out- you might find me running around with a camera at events, losing my voice in the student section on Friday nights, or spending Power Hour on my laptop to finish up assignments that I procrastinated.

 I’m beyond grateful to Blue Print for providing  me with an incredible creative outlet and countless opportunities; Including winning second place in the 2021 Lonestar writing contest, two Best of SNO awards, and getting several of my articles published in the local Wylie News. This is my second year on staff and my first year as our digital media editor. So if you see the @wehsblueprint Twitter and Instagram liking or sharing your posts, that’s me! (Quick reminder to go give us a follow if you haven’t already.) 

What else? I’m a soprano in our school’s Acapella choir, a part-time photographer with my own business and website (check out if you don’t believe me- or take my word for it.) I’m also a full-time big sister of five, all of them being the sweetest kids ever, except for when they’re not. Bonus fact: I’m a big Marvel fanatic, but only bring it up if you have a couple hours to spare.

Sorry, am I talking about myself too much? I guess I’ll let you get back to your scrolling. 

See you around, 


All content by Shelby Perry
Mr. Wylie East \ \ Senior Everett Vasquez accepts the title of "Mr. Wylie East." "The award means a lot to me because I feel like I put a lot of hours and spirit into East," Vasquez said.

Making their mark

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
March 17, 2022
Senior Smiles \\ Senior cheerleader Gracie Tower walks the field with her parents after being announced on senior night. "It was very emotional, especially because I have dedicated four years of my life to Friday night football games," Tower said. "It is sad that time has gone by so fast and I won't get to cheer at the stadium again. However, I'm excited for what the future holds."

Feeling ’22

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
November 4, 2021

[Photo] Heath Hadley

September 22, 2021
Missing piece \\ Freshmen should be allowed to go to pep rallies. Due to space, the Class of 2025 has to watch them virtually. Excluding freshmen from pep rallies because of the lack of space isn’t what should happen. Even though they’re newbies to all of this, they are still a part of the school and should participate like the ninth grade class has in the past. 

[Photo] No freshmen at pep rallies

writer: Rylee Keith, journalism student
October 7, 2021
Make fit count

Make fit count

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
September 27, 2021
Varsity softball player Ashtyn Nagel waves as her team's winning float passes by. "We were super excited when we won because we had worked hard for several weeks to plan out every little detail and it symbolized our first win of the year," Nagel said.

A Parade Around the World

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
September 1, 2021
Every day is a jeans day \\ Next school year, students may wear jeans any day of the week, opposed to the current policy in place of Thursdays and Fridays only. The school board approved updates to the standardized dress code at the last board meeting.

The deal with dress code

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
May 3, 2021
Calling the shots \\ Senior Jada Hahs prepares for her first shot during her first round of vaccinations. "It didn't hurt at all actually," Hahs said. "I told myself to expect the pain of a piercing, but I hardly even felt it."

Teens with vaccines

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
March 30, 2021
Sibling rivalry \\ My younger brother and sister bother me and the rest of the house as they banter over remote privileges and the last bit of cereal. While my parents painted the bickering as “ridiculous,” I had quite the contrasting opinion. Let them fight, it’s good for them.

Quarantine quarrels

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
January 25, 2021
Not today quarantine \\ After missing last season due to COVID, senior Sammy Harris wanted to ensure he didn't miss any games his final year of high school baseball. “I would like to go back so I can be in school again before I graduate, so I’m going to definitely go on campus again when the season ends,” Harris said. “But what keeps me going right now is knowing that I have a season.”

Screen season

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
February 10, 2021
Head of the class \\ Class of 2019 graduate Emily Wygant is among many alumni who returned to their former stomping grounds to substitute teach. Due to quarantines, the need for substitute teachers is on the rise. “I wasn’t nervous to sub at the elementary school level, because to them, I look like an adult,” Wygant said. “but for the high school level, I get a little bit nervous because I really am only a couple of years older than the students and I blend in with them.”

Back to school: when the student becomes the teacher

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
February 10, 2021
Putting on a performance  JROTC runs the Raider flags high and proud as the cheer team chants the Wylie East battle cry during the first ever virtual pep rally.

Bringing the rally to the Raider

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
September 25, 2020
Sick and tired \\ Junior Ashleigh Bycott contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus over the summer. She knows how important safety and abiding by the rules are during the pandemic. “Now, I really make sure to go by the guidelines and be careful,” Ashleigh said. “I try my best to stay safe and do my part. My advice is to be careful. Don’t share drinks or throw parties. Just do what you can for yourself and the people you love.”

Junior wins COVID battle

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
September 1, 2020
Saxy tunes \\ Practicing early in the morning on the marching band parking lot, senior Trace Delacerda prepares for the first competition of the season. The band’s show is Massive this year. "Everyone has some point where they want to quit, but when you perform, it all pays off," Delacerda said.

Band, color guard perform ‘massive’ show this fall

writer: Shelby Perry, Digital Media Editor
September 26, 2019
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