Student struggles
Teachers not posting work to Google Classroom makes it difficult for students
photo credit: Noah Bickley
Virtual learning \\ Junior Maeson Ragan checks Google Classroom for assignments. Teachers post assignments to the virtual classroom for students to easily access.
October 7, 2021
COVID-19 coronavirus has caused many challenges for both students and teachers in the past year. This year, students who are absent or quarantined are especially having a hard time staying caught up on their work because teachers are not posting the work to Google Classroom.
The student body struggles to stay caught up on work when quarantined because the teachers aren’t posting assignments on Google Classroom like last year. Most teachers are tired of posting the assignments the students worked on in class because of how much they had to do it last year and because of the extra time it takes. However, the extra time and work it takes the teachers is very helpful and beneficial to students.
Google Classroom is a simple and free website for teachers and students to use. Last year, due synchronous learning, assignments were posted in Google Classroom; however, this year, that is not the case. Most teachers dislike having to post everything online while also trying to teach it in class. There are a lot of positives to posting the assignments online, for example: It tells the students when their assignments are due which helps them make sure they are getting their work done on time. It also sends them a reminder the day before an assignment is due if they haven’t already turned it in. Google Classroom is also organized by class, so students can click on whatever class they want, and it will show them any assignments that their teacher has posted. Lastly, it allows the students to look back on any work from the past which can help them study for tests and quizzes.
Quarantine has affected lots of students this year. It is very hard for them to keep up with all of their school work while away from class for up to 10 days because the teachers aren’t posting the work on Google Classroom. Therefore after the student gets out of quarantine, they are in tutoring for weeks trying to get caught up on their assignments.
Although this method is very convenient for students, some may argue that before everything went online last year if students missed a couple days of school it was their responsibility to get the assignments made up. Therefore, when absent, it isn’t the teacher’s responsibility to post the work, but rather it’s the student’s job to come in to tutorials and make up the assignments they missed.
Students who get quarantined should respectfully email their teacher and let them know the situation and politely ask if they are willing to post any of the assignments. This will allow students to stay caught up on as much of the work as possible. When students return back to school, they should communicate with their teachers to ensure they are caught up on all their school work.
It is not necessarily the students’ fault if they are quarantined or required to stay home from school because they are sick. It is helpful for students if teachers would post their assignments on Google Classroom so that the students can stay organized on all the assignments they have. A student’s success requires effort from both the student and the teacher. Although teachers are tired of posting assignments on Google Classroom, students are equally as tired of getting quarantined.