Discover how besties Bella McCord and Chelsea Ombadykow climbed to the top and became class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian in today’s episode!
Don’t Get Me Started: Tour de Force for Two
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Gloria OlajimiThere’s more to jazz than a lovesick Laufey
Gloria OlajimiMeatless Monday mandate
Gloria OlajimiThe finals countdown
Gloria OlajimiCrumbly culinary creations
Gloria OlajimiTooning in
Gloria OlajimiThere’s more to jazz than a lovesick Laufey
Gloria OlajimiJack of all trades
Gloria OlajimiCrosstown smackdown
Gloria OlajimiSilent night lights
Gloria OlajimiPunk-rock; preppy pop show
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About the Contributor

Gloria Olajimi, Editor-in-Chief
Hey Reader! I know what you’re thinking: “I had no idea we had a newspaper.” Impressed? Well, you see, that’s because I’m something of a magician, an inventor, a story-publisher who can answer all of your questions about Blueprint. So quiet up and listen down… Nope, scratch that, reverse it (if you know, you know).
This message is brought to you by yours truly, Gloria Olajimi. I’m entering my third year on staff, my final year of high school, and the most stressful era of my life so far– college application season. My applications may tell you that I’m an aspiring psychologist in Band, NHS Sunshine committee, ASO and College Club who likes Tiktok dances, crochet hats, jollof rice and practicing ASL. But what Texas universities have yet found out is that my many interests are a byproduct of your stories. Your clubs, your organizations, passions and aspirations inspire me and reveal that I am surrounded by more than peers–I am surrounded by legends in the making whose stories I, as magician, inventor and editor-in-chief, am determined to share.