The grade book now has a mobile website and an iOS app. No longer is there the standard Skyward Family Access link the drop down menu now says Skyward Links, and from there people can download the free Skyward iOS app or there is a link to a mobile site. This will make checking grades much easier.
Grade book app
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About the Contributor

Matt Milton, Staff Writer
Hey! I’m Matt, I have been on the staff for three years. I like writing, but after high school I plan on majoring in either business or psychology with a minor in criminal justice. I then plan to go on and become a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. I have been a fan of police and what they do ever since I was born. I have yet to choose a college but I don’t really want to go to out of state (too much money). I love the colors red and black. I don’t really have a favorite genre of music, just pretty much everything except for screamo. Well that tells you enough about me, unless I actually know you.