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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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Ciera Tanner

Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor

Drama queen (absolutely), actress (meh), writer (also meh), spaz (for sure), wizard (maybe), and fellow student (that one is right). These are all attributes that make up one fantabulous human being named Ciera Tanner. That’s me, by the way. I love, love, love to read and write. Grammar is a huge part of my life, which is probably why Thedford made me copy editor. I know more about bugs and biology than any 16-year-old girl should. I strongly believe that no matter how deeply it’s buried, every human being has some redeeming quality. I love animals and I love my fellow humans (most of the time). Adios, my fellow humans.

All content by Ciera Tanner
In the palm of his hands  \\ Participating in a chemistry experiment, sophomore Colton Fisher lit bubbles on fire to study certain chemical reactions Dec. 2.

[Photo] Playing with Fire

writer: Jeanne Laugesen, Staff Reporter
December 4, 2016
Super Superlatives \\ Making an appearance at the talent show, Mr. and Miss Wylie East High School Wesley Massey and Cinthya Arballo accept their certificates.

Senior superlatives announced

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
March 21, 2017
Copy Editor Ciera Tanner recommends "The Hunt" by Andrew Fukuda.

On the hunt

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
February 16, 2017

Player of the Week Nomination

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
November 15, 2016
What a doll \ Taking care of her homemade baby, sophomore Sarah Porter watches a video on proper child care techniques such as putting babies to sleep and how to feed the babies. The human growth and development classes took care of their dolls for a week starting on Oct. 17 and finishing Oct. 21.

Flour child

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
October 26, 2016
Moving to victory // Riding in the grand entry, junior Alexis Sturgeon prepares to compete in the rodeo Sept 10. She placed fifth in the competition.

Ravishing rodeo

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
September 15, 2016
Ear-to-ear \ Getting ready to perform, junior Brianna Hernandez and sophomore Mackenzie Stegman laugh off the stress. 
Photo by Ciera Tanner

All aboard

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
September 12, 2016
Make it stop \\ Show your support to end domestic abuse, donate $1 Oct. 14.

School raises awareness for growing problem

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
September 8, 2016
Soulful read // Alumnus' father releases fantasy book, Shadow Souls. Purchase on Amazon.

Bookworm bliss

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
August 31, 2016

Moral mania

writer: Ciera Tanner, Copy Editor
February 14, 2016
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