No exams.
Students dread the first week back to school in January because of one thing—exams. Starting Jan. 10, students prepare for a long week of reviews, studying and exams. This week involves staying up very late, studying and hard work. Exams are no walk in the park, these tests involve material from the first day of school. Students have forgotten a lot of the material, which makes the semester exam so hard.
Honestly, semester exams are not that bad, because we get a lot of free time, but I think that the district should schedule the exams before Christmas break so we can end that horrible week of exams with a good two weeks of Christmas.
Once students return, they will be ready to start the second semester and wouldn’t be so irritated. It is very difficult to go on a two week vacation and come back to school and be expected to remember everything learned from the first weeks of school. During break, students are going and doing so many other activities. The last thing students are thinking about is school.
Also the school system gives students many tests in that semester, so why do we need one big test to show that students know the material if they quiz students so much? Those quizzes the teachers have given all semester would have affected a student’s grade enough. If the student does not want to give an effort in the class and on the tests, then those tests will decrease his/her grade. By the grade decreasing that student will fail the semester and we will not have to worry about exams. If a student decides to try on the tests during the semester he will know the information and will be passing for the whole semester. Exams are not needed.
Exams should be taken out of the school’s testing system and just leave the tests during the semester like they are. By the board doing that, students would still have tests during the semester that will affect their grade either good or bad. Also it will make teacher’s jobs a whole lot easier, because they won’t have to grade a couple hundred tests and reteach all the material that has already been provided. The removal of exams would be in the best interest for everyone.
Exams are not needed, because we take enough tests during the semester already. Students and teachers should show the school board that we do not need semester exams. The tests during the semester are enough to determine whether or not students pass or fail the semester and the year. The future of the student depends on whether or not he/she tries to do well in school and on the tests. Exams are just a big test that is very unnecessary.