Tapping into greatness

NHS inductees receive medals

Deserve a medal \\ Reacting to her achievements, junior Alyssa Striker receives her medal during the National Honor Society tapping.

Three sponsors, 111 members, 126 inductees, and countless hours of hard work, all leading up to this moment. Juniors and seniors received their medals Oct. 29 for showcasing academic excellence throughout high school so far. These students have gone above and beyond to maintain an average of at least an 85 throughout the past two years and fill out an application to show interest in the National Honor Society.

Students were informed of their achievements in the form of “tapping.” 

“Each officer has the responsibility of tapping in new members by giving them their medals in class,” NHS officer Ryah Hill said. “It’s a tradition to honor the success of new inductees for the new year of the organization.”

Junior Macey Norris was in Mr. Moore’s second period when she learned she was admitted into the society.

“I was sitting next to one of my friends,” Norris said. “We were super excited and happy that we got in.” 

More than half of the National Honor Society members are new inductees.

“I’m super excited to meet all of the new people in my group,” junior Alyssa Striker said.

The students walked across the stage in the auditorium to be inducted Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. during the annual NHS induction ceremony.

“I felt accomplished as I walked across the stage,” junior inductee Elle Duck said. “I reflected on the journey that got me to that moment and how proud I was to be a part of NHS.”