Crisis text lines available for anonymous support

photo credit: Jazmine Garcia

A text away // Crisis text lines are available to help callers get through a heated moment or for general advice. Counselor Mrs. Mandy Coers found the free helpline online to help students talk through their problems. To get a hold of a crisis counselor text HOME to 741741.

writer: Jazmine Garcia, Digital Editor

Crisis counselor volunteers are available to help callers get through heated moments. Counselor Mandy Coers found the free helpline online that helps callers talk through their problems.

To get a hold of a crisis counselor text HOME to 741741.

How it works: A live crisis-trained counselor receives the text and responds from a secure platform. The counselor’s objective is to help students move from a hot to a “cool” moment.

The first two responses are automated, telling callers they are being connected with a crisis counselor which normally takes less than five minutes to connect, however high traffic times might take longer.

“It’s nice to have this resource to give to parents, students and staff members. Often times people are in a crisis at night or during the weekend when support services are difficult to locate,” lead counselor Amy Andrews said.

After introducing themselves, counselors will reflect on what students shared and invite them to share more at their own pace. Students, or anyone who needs to talk, can text back and forth with volunteers without sharing uncomfortable information. Crisis counselor volunteers will do their best to sort through feelings by asking questions, empathizing and actively listening.  

“Our hope is that spreading the word about the crisis text line will help a student, staff member or parent during a difficult time,” Mrs. Andrews said.

Callers should keep in mind that a crisis counselor is a trained volunteer, not a professional, while they can provide support, they can not provide medical advice.

Conversations typically end when the student and the counselor both agreeing and feeling comfortable saying they are in a cool place. A conversation usually lasts anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.

Many people struggle with mental health issues or are in crisis situations. At times, it is difficult to ask for help or to tell others that are close to you. The more support, resources and education we can provide in the area of mental health, the better. The crisis text line will help a student, staff member or parent during a difficult time,” Andrews said.