Step up
New team makes its debut at pep rally
photo credit: Katie Borchetta
East Side Steppers// Dancing to the music, the step team makes its debut at the camo day pep rally Oct. 14. Everyone who is interested in dance or making rhythm is encouraged to join. Visit with Mrs. Hollie Smith in room 318 for more information.
October 9, 2018
The Step team had its first performance at the pep rally Oct. 6. Team members introduced themselves one by one with background music blasting. After introductions, each member took off her mask to reveal her identity, before continuing to perform this form of dance that originated in Africa. It uses the human body to create sounds and rhythms.
“I enjoy dancing and I learned fast growing up. I wanted to make it at East because it was something that I was always passionate about. I knew it would be something good to have here and bring more spirit to the school,” senior Elizabeth Thomas said.
The Step team has been a work in progress since Spring of last year and is now an official dance club open to anyone. Now Captain, Thomas wanted to start the club when she noticed the lack of spirit at school. Thomas was on a step team before she moved to Texas from New York and is an experienced step dancer.
“I started making posters and promoting it, making team meetings, fundraising, stuff like that,” Thomas said.
When preparing for the pep rally, the team worked on their choreography everyday during lunches and after school.
The East Side Steppers will perform at the homecoming pep rally Oct. 26. Everyone is encouraged to join. Visit Ms. Hollie Smith in room 318 for more information.
“It’s open to all. Doesn’t matter your race, grade or gender. We’re welcoming to anyone who’s interested. I think anyone could really enjoy it,” Thomas said.