National Technical Honor Society introduced to school

photo credit: Eden Stegall

Making magic \ Making Jack-O-Lantern cake pops, Chef Dahlia Brown teaches students how to cook in her culinary classes. Culinary is one of many Career and Technology Education courses offered in the district. National Technical Honors Society is a new organization recognizing students excelling in the program.

National Technical Honor Society, similar to National Honor Society, is for students involved in CTE courses. These courses include: Agriculture Science (FFA), Culinary, Graphic Design, Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice, Construction Trades, Welding, Computer Science/Robotics, Health Science and Education.

NTHS’s purpose is to honor students exhibiting leadership and achievement in career and technical education and promote educational excellence while enhancing career opportunities for members.

There was a need to recognize CTE students with this distinction and honor for academics and community service. Also to increase opportunities for scholarships for Wylie East students,”  David Lanman said.

To join NTHS, students must be a junior or senior, have a 3.0 on a 4.0 on an unweighted scale, taken two or more consecutive CTE courses, and are involved in a CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) like FFA, HOSA, TAFE etc. Mr Lanman encourages students to take advantage of this opportunity.

“Students who have studied in a CTE course and have an interest in continuing in that CTE area are encouraged to take advantage of every opportunity in life, this is one of them,” Lanman said.

The organization has an informational meeting Oct. 20 during A lunch in room 416 and will nominate and elect officers who will decide on official meeting dates.

For more information visit