Fellowship on the field

writer: Madison Jennings, Staff Reporter

High schools to come together for special presentation

Students will ride buses to Wylie Stadium to meet with Wylie High School students for a Rachel’s Challenge presentation Sept. 10.

All students and staff will gather on the field to listen to a presentation regarding Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine school shooting, and her legacy.

“The presentation will focus on some of the key parts of the Wylie Way,” Principal Mike Williams said. “The message will be similar to what we have heard in the past.”

This is the first time that the schools are being brought together for the presentation.

“We will be coming together with Wylie High School to join as a community and represent The Wylie Way,” Friends of Rachel Sponsor Caryn Seed said.

The presentation will differ from those in the past as a result of a blending of Rachel’s Challenge and a sense of community.

“The presentation will focus on some of the key parts of The Wylie Way,” Williams said. “We feel that all students need to hear the message.”

Buses will transport students to the stadium at 9:15. All late arrival students are expected to be at the school by then. Dual credit students will stay at the school in the library until their classes.

“We want to celebrate everything we have and still can accomplish during the school year in regard to Rachel’s Challenge,” Seed said. “The purpose is to bring everyone together.”