Mrs. Lannan’s sociology class starts its first project
Standing too close to someone, wiping a slobber covered thumb on a stranger’s face.
All these things are considered breaking social protocol. Mrs. Lannan’s sociology class jumped right into its first project by violating standards made by others, and studying the reactions. The students were only required to do one out of the norm action but most did more because they found the project to be fun.
Of course there were still boundaries even Mrs. Lannan had set.
“Some students wanted to take off all their clothes, but they could’ve been arrested for that so I didn’t approve,” Lannan said.
The biggest fear the students had was they would be humiliated by the reaction of the random person. One pair of students dug through the trash cans and offered the half eaten food to those disgusted students watching them.
Junior Jonah Burnett went up to vice Principal Mr. Kirkpatrick and flicked his chest. Mr. Kirkpatrick knew something was up when he saw the camera so he didn’t react in an angry way. Burnett also held hands with random teachers, and