The first day of school is right around the corner. Before heading out the door, be familiar with the traffic flow and parking expectations.
“Make sure that you review the parent drop off locations, entrances, exits and parking locations for staff, visitors and students,” Principal Mike Williams said.
All students must be dropped off and picked up in the parent drop off/pick up area on the south side of the building, NOT the auditorium.
“The auditorium is not a drop off or pick up area. You know how bad the traffic is in that area; do not put yourself in a position to fight 400 high school student drivers trying to leave the school in the afternoon,” Mr. Williams said.
Only those parking and entering the building will be allowed in the front circle parking lot.
“My advice would be to use Brown Street and do not attempt to turn right as you leave the campus and get into student traffic exiting the auditorium parking lot,” Mr. Williams said.
Just before school dismisses, starting at 3:45 until 4:45 p.m., all cars and buses leaving the north exit must turn right and go to Hwy. 78. All cars leaving the band hall exit must turn left and go to Brown Street. No right turns will be allowed from this exit.
At 9:30 a.m. the north exit and band hall exit will be secured and no student or guest will be allowed to enter or exit from these areas. All students must use the south Brown Street exit and will be cleared by the parking attendant to enter or leave the campus.
Remember, the speed limit on campus is 10 miles per hour. It is monitored by the Wylie Police Department, especially at the beginning of the year.