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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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All content by Isabel Zambrana
Heartfelt Future // Practicing their lead placement for their EKG, senior Nancy Gomez, and other students prepare for their health care careers. “I am really outgoing with people so working with different patients and people is interesting to me. I am planning to be a sonographer or an ultrasound tech,” Gomez said.

[Photo] So says the heart

writer: Heath Hadley, Editor in Chief
May 12, 2021
Partnering virtually \\ With their lab partners tuning in remotely, seniors Tyler Allen and Nolan Lincoln collection trace evidence for Locard’s Lab to find the primary location of the victim’s homicide in their forensics class Sept. 28. Remote learners paired up with on-campus learners via a Google Meet or FaceTime to participate in labs.

Remote students choose to stay home, not go to school

writer: Isabel Zambrana, journalism student contributor
September 29, 2020
Call somebody who cares \\ Counselor Mrs. Mandy Coers highly recommends that students use the text hotline when having harmful or suicidal thoughts. She has more information available in her office. “I like that the Crisis Text Line is a text,” Mrs. Coers said. “Studies have shown that it’s hard for teenagers to pick up the phone and talk.”

September marks prevention month

writer: Isabel Zambrana, journalism student contributor
September 29, 2020
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