Caroline May, Staff Reporter
I’m Caroline, I graduate with the class of 2016 and I am very much in love with writing. And food. And dogs. But writing is an amazing thing in my life as well! Writing has always been “my thing” which I have continued to enjoy and wanted to grow in. I’ve won several creative writing awards and am now hoping to strengthen my writing skills by expanding more into journalism as well. I moved to Texas after being born overseas in Germany where I lived for a few years. I’d love to go back and visit as well as explore more of Europe. As for here in Texas, my dream is to study pre-law at Texas A&M and make a difference in the world. Other than writing and food and dogs, I also very much enjoy adventuring, reading, nights with my family and best friends, crime shows, funny movies, running, concerts, lazy days and of course helping on yearbook staff as well! I consider myself an extroverted person and love meeting new people and being involved in new things. I’m so glad to be on staff making friends and to have these new opportunities which will further strengthen my journalism skills as well as help me grow as a writer.