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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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  • March 14Happy Spring Break! All Wylie ISD campuses will be closed March 17-21. Classes resume March 24. Have fun and make good choices!
The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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The mission of the Wylie East High School news site is to inform, educate and entertain readers. Established Jan. 13, 2011. Principal: Mrs. Tiffany Doolan; Adviser: Ms. Kimberly Creel

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All content by Breanna Wooten
Deep in thought \\ Preparing mentally for the next play, sophomore Mikayla Neveloff combines passes to help the JV soccer team win 2-1 against North Forney Jan 8. “We work really hard in practices and it really pays off,” Neveloff said.

[Photo] Slammed

writer: Macey Norris, yearbook staff member
April 8, 2021
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