The Varsity girls’ soccer team beat the Lovejoy Leopards 3-2 April 4. They followed up by bringing home a victory against Frisco Wakeland 2-0 on April 8. Their next game is April 11 against Red Oak at Standridge Stadium in Carrollton at 7:30.
Soccer strong

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About the Contributor

Ash Thomas, Editor in Chief
Ash Thomas. Four time Oscar nominee. Avid sailor. Competitive wrestler. I’ve been around the world six times and I’m up for Woman of the Year.
Except, not. Do I look like I could be a wrestler? Although I haven’t had the opportunity to do everything listed above, I have been given the honor of being Editor in Chief to the best high school newspaper in the world. This is my third (and sadly, last) year on staff and I am thrilled for the upcoming year. Outside of newspaper, I spend most of my time with my kitten, Adaline, who I adore as if she was my actual child, and my friends who I consider my most prized possessions. I’m dedicated to making this year one to remember both in school and out.