Many tweets are sent out every day. On the contrary though, people also update their Facebook statuses daily. In my own personal non biased yet very biased opinion, I feel that Twitter is way better than Facebook. I mean Twitter, a site where I can inform the world of what I’m doing and I don’t have some person I barely talk to commenting on my post telling me what they think about it. Twitter: where I don’t have to see all the stupid TBH’s and LMS’s…
The fact that I like Twitter more than Facebook doesn’t mean I completely hate Facebook; in fact, I have a Facebook that I update daily. I just think that Twitter is a better resource when attempting to get information out in an organized manner.
Another pro to Twitter is that only 140 characters can be used to get your point across. In my opinion that is plenty of characters. I don’t want to read your life story, like some people feel the need to post on Facebook.
Not to say Facebook doesn’t have any pros either. For instance, you can post many photos to Facebook as opposed to Twitter. Also if you want to talk to someone directly, you can write on their wall or message them.
On Twitter the only thing you can do is tag someone in a tweet and then they reply to that tweet.
Both Twitter and Facebook are great social networking sites, but all in all I think Twitter takes the lead. Twitter is easy to use and gets the point across. Also I can link my Twitter and Facebook, so as I tweet, those tweets become my status on Facebook.
That’s what I think. What’s your opinion?