Unfair mask mandate only affects certain sports
photo credit: Kyndal Nystrom
Fair to all \\ Freshmen practice in the gym before school Aug. 25. Cheerleading and drill team are required to wear masks at all times and social distance more than six feet.
March 19, 2021
The sweat drips down their faces. The heat seems to be unbearable, and the mask covering their airways doesn’t make the situation any better.
While other sports are exempt from the mask mandate, cheerleading and drill team are required to wear masks at all times and social distance more than six feet.
These athletes feel that it is unfair to be specifically called out and punished for their masks falling down while working out.
As a result the cheer team has the lowest number of positive cases. It is wrong for just a certain group to get in trouble for having little to nothing wrong with their organization while other sports, groups and organizations have higher numbers and are not having COVID-19 rules enforced. While working out, you need to breathe for advanced performance, but if you are wearing a mask, it is difficult to breathe. It is also scientifically proven to make your lungs smaller when your air flow is restricted.
It is understandable that these organizations are forced to wear masks while working out because they can be close together and breathing all over one another. But in fact, these ladies are all scared of getting quarantined around competition season. While other sports have games during only one season, cheerleading and drill team have two or three competitions each year. Cheerleading and drill team are not just “Go team” and twirls, they still practice, have team workouts and attend events as any ordinary ‘sports team’ would.
The school can solve this issue at its root cause, high school sports teams. Therefore, the best solution would be to require masks for all sports teams. This will ensure to keep each team and its athletes safe and lower the risk of getting quarantined. If each team wears masks properly, the schools will deal with fewer people out of school due to a positive test or a contact tracing incident.
Rylee • Sep 7, 2021 at 10:09 am
this is a great story because if their going to make one group wear mask then all teams/groups should wear them
Johanna • Aug 19, 2021 at 10:40 am
i think that this is such a great story because cheerleading is still a sport and they need to be comfortable so they can perform amazingly.
Johanna • Aug 19, 2021 at 10:33 am
This is such a great story it tells about what isn’t fair because cheerleading is still a sport and they need to be comfortable in practice so they can perform amazing, Good job.
Hermela Assefa • Mar 29, 2021 at 2:22 pm
The cheer team having the lowest number of positive cases is just the result of them having to wear mask. The reason why the other organizations have higher cases is probably because they don’t wear their masks.