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Starting a new chapter \\ Laureen Guarriello responds to emails about assignments to students who don't understand. This is Mrs. Guarriello’s 30th year teaching. She teaches AP language and advanced English I. “I love teaching and helping the students,” Mrs. Guarriello said.
Starting a new chapter \\ Laureen Guarriello responds to emails about assignments to students who don’t understand. This is Mrs. Guarriello’s 30th year teaching. She teaches AP language and advanced English I. “I love teaching and helping the students,” Mrs. Guarriello said.
photo credit: Gabriel Farrel

Starting A New Chapter: Mrs. Laureen Guarriello


Mrs. Guarriello has been teaching for 30 years; she has been around the country teaching in multiple districts and schools. 


Where were you previously teaching? 

I started teaching 30 years ago in San Antonio, then I moved to North Texas. I’ve been at Highland Park, North Dallas High School and most recently Irving High School. In between I worked five years at a non-profit organization in New York City where I went around the country and taught teachers how to incorporate computer simulations in their lesson plans.

How long have you been teaching?

I have been teaching for 22 years and the 5 years I worked at the non-profit.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

I didn’t want to become a teacher in the first place. I was actually pre-med throughout all of college, and I worked with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon. I met him at a scholarship banquet, and he asked me to come work with him. After working with him he told me that I had a special gift with children and that I should become a teacher.

Why did you decide to come to Wylie?

My husband and I moved here 18 years ago, when my oldest daughter was only one and when I was pregnant with twins. We needed to buy a house, and I said I wanted to live in Wylie because I wanted my kids in the Wylie school system.

What is the hardest part about teaching?

The ongoing process of finding material that students are interested in and keeping it relevant.

How was the transition to this school?

Fantastic. I’ve had a supportive team-I even told Dr.Vincent that the transition has been super smooth-and everyone has been helpful. Also a fantastic team answering and anticipating any questions I may have.

Is there anything a student told you that stuck with you until now?

I’ve had students come back who really struggled, and I used to work with a lot of seniors who haven’t passed the STARR Test yet, and they would come back and say “you never gave up on me”. It tells me that it really does make a difference, that they are taking the time to come back and thank you for never giving up on them. One of my favorite ones was when a girl left because of pregnancy, she later came back and said that she got her GED and introduced me to her little girl, and told me she read her stories every night because I told her, when she left, to read the child stories every night.

What is the most interesting thing that has happened this year?

My AP Language class did presentations that were intelligent but showed creativity, and the fact that we can talk about rhetorical analysis, which is the most boring thing ever, and laugh about it is the most interesting thing ever.

How have the students been this year?

They’ve been fantastic. I enjoyed meeting them and learning about some of their quirks. They are also very respectful and hard working. If you ask me in a couple months though, my opinion might change but I enjoy the kids.

Have there been any disciplinary issues with the students?

None. I have advanced students so there’s no issues. Even then, the most difficult thing I had to do was tell them to focus.


Question of the week: What is your favorite pastime?


I am a huge fan of college football. On Saturdays I’m in my Irish gear in front of the TV yelling and screaming for Notre Dame. I also love photography and have taken multiple photos and put them up around my classroom. I also like to cook, and I consider myself a pretty good cook, too.

About the Contributor
Gabriel Farrel
Gabriel Farrel, Staffer
Hey guys, it’s Gabriel Ferrel back on staff for another year. I’m a junior, so this is my second year on staff. Interesting fact is that I own a record collection, a car, and have a job. When I’m not working or doing journalism stuff, I play video games like Fortnite, Roblox, and Valorant with my friends online. I also love listening to music. My favorite artists are Billy Cobb, Radiohead, Slayer, and the Strokes. Anyways, if you want to get to know more about me, come talk to me. I’m a nice person. Check out some of our stories on your way out, see ya!!!!!!!