“Pride is back, alright”
Band starts season off with bang through March-a-thon
photo credit: Addie Orr
Baritone beginnings // Paying close attention to the directions from the drum majors, freshman John Adams plays through the ballad of the 2017-2018 marching show “Through the Night”. This is John’s first year in the Pride of the East and he feels optimistic for the year ahead of him. “I enjoy marching here at East. It is unlike any band experience I have gone through and I am excited to see what comes in future years,” Adams said. Photo by Addie Orr
September 15, 2017
The Pride of the East band marched through the city for the annual March-a-thon. Seeking donations, they played music as they walked through Home Depot, Walmart and down the streets of Wylie.
**This photo essay earned an honorable mention UIL’s Interscholastic League Press Conference