Clean sweep

photo credit: Casi Thedford

Winning writers \\ WEHS journalism dominated the Lone Star Writing contest for the large school division. Senior Heath Hadley won first place and $125, junior Morgan Clark placed second and won $100 and freshman Maggie Volpi placed third and won $75. To be eligible for the contests, students must have a story printed in a local publication.

writer: Cali Scott, Staff Reporter

Three awards, three students, one school, and a ton of money. Senior Heath Hadley, junior Morgan Clark, and freshman Maggie Volpi all placed in the Lonestar Journalism Writing Contest. 

The Lonestar Journalism Writing Contest is a writing competition open to all students in Texas. Three winners are selected for the large school division and another three in the small school division. The only requirement to enter the contest is to have the story printed in a local newspaper. 

The newspaper program has won many Lonestar writing contests in the past; however, this is the first year the school had a clean sweep in the contest. 

“I think it’s really cool that our school swept a contest that was statewide, and it really proves our potential against other schools in the state,” Clark said. 

On Jan. 7, the journalism teacher Casi Thedford and principal Tiffany Doolan came into each of the winners’ first period to announce their achievement. 

Senior Heath Hadley placed first in the large school division. His feature, The room where it happens, explains the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council’s first meeting. 

“I did not expect to win the contest at all,” Hadley said. “I was and am proud of the story, but I always think there is room for improvement and growth.”

Junior Morgan Clark wrote Bring the hype and won second place. Her story describes the responsibilities of the AFJROTC Spirit Team and its impact on the school. 

“Mrs. Thedford called me up to the front and explained that I placed in the contest I entered a while back, and I was really shocked because I didn’t think I had a chance,” Clark said. 

Freshman Maggie Volpi was awarded third place in the large school division. Her feature, Next girl up, highlights a girl on the freshman football team. Not only did Volpi place in this contest, but she also won a Best of SNO award, an award that recognizes the best journalism pieces, for the same story. 

“My story was going up against so many others from across Texas, and I didn’t think I was capable of going that far to be honest,” Volpi said. 

Along with placing in the contest, all three writers won different amounts of money. Hadley won $125, Clark won $100, and Volpi won $75. 

“I am really happy about the money, but I am more excited about winning the contest because that shows people really enjoyed that story and my writing,” Hadley said. “I want what I write to be both entertaining and informative and to get this award shows I met that goal.”