Quick on the draw
Three advanced art students chosen to display art in Dallas show
photo credit: Cason Jackson
Thompson’s top trainees \\ Seniors Kaylah Casasola, Zachary Clore and Lexi Branch show off their artwork for the Texas Association of School Boards 2019 Conference Students Show. Students in the Dallas area send in their artwork for display and these students’ work was selected to compete. “I was so happy. I didn’t know it was going to be shown to so many teachers,” Casasola said.
October 2, 2019
Seniors Zachary Clore, Lexi Branch and Kaylah Casasola aren’t just making their art known at school, but in Dallas to have their pieces displayed for all to see in the Texas Association of School Administration and the Texas Association of School Boards 2019 Conference Student Show.
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson, the AP art drawing teacher, let her students decide which piece of their art they wanted to submit because it was the first time Wylie East participated in an art contest like TASA/TASB.
“I drew a picture of my friend looking at her hand. It was supposed to represent disassociation,” Branch said.
Although the experience of showing their pieces to many is common in the art room, it was the first time their art was selected for such a contest.
“I was so happy. I didn’t know it was going to be shown to so many teachers,” Casasola said.
All four of the seniors have taken art for all four years of high school. They say Mrs. Thompson’s guidance has contributed to their success.
“Before freshman year, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know the real techniques until she taught me,” Clore said.
To many, art is nothing but drawings on paper, but for these seniors, it has become their life; a skill that they will carry on with them in years to come.
“After high school, I want to become an animator, video game designer, or even an art teacher,” said Casasola.