Mocking the way
Law Enforcement students learn through mock trials
photo credit: Joe Thomas
Simulating smiles // Engaging in the mock traffic stop, sophomore Sara Johnson and junior A.J Bankhead simulate violator contact during an exercise Oct. 24.
October 27, 2016
Students in Mr. David Lanman’s Law Enforcement class started conducting a series of Mock Trials Oct. 24. The most recent is mock traffic stops.
The mock traffic stops is a seven step violator contract that outlines a real life traffic stop. First, the officer must great the violator, state the violation and inspect the vehicle. Next, they state the consequence they will take before finally taking that action. In the end, they explain to the violator what they must do.
“Students worked in teams to learn the seven point violator contact,” Lanman said, “The students had to walk through a mock traffic stop following this process.”
Students who participated in this assignment are doing more hands-on activities.
“It builds a common ground and comradery with the students in the class,” Lanman said.
According to Mr. Lanman, the Mock Trials project is the one that students take in the best.
“It’s a better way of learning than writing notes,” sophomore Sara Johnson said, “The experience helped me understand the subject more.”
Students use their knowledge from the class outside of school and for real-life criminal justice situations.
“I love teaching criminal justice and watching the growth in students,” Lanman said, “It’s neat to hear how they applied something they learned in class to win a bet against a friend.”