2016-2017 junior, senior off-campus lunch permission form released

photo credit: Adkins, Jennifer

To receive off campus lunch, students must return the off campus lunch form signed by a parent to either student services office.

The privilege of leaving campus for lunch is reserved for students who are classified as juniors or seniors and meet the following criteria:

  1. Parent Permission of file.
  2. Passing all classes at the end of reporting periods per UIL standards.
  3. Possession of current school year identification badge.
  4. Have no more than two unexcused absences per three week grading period.
  5. Have no In School or Out of School Suspensions per three week grading period.
  6. Have no more than five tardies in a three week grading period.

Students transporting other students without appropriate permission, bringing outside food on campus or violating any other school policies and/or procedures may result in removal of off-campus lunch and /or driving privileges as determined by administrator discretion. While off-campus, students are not under the supervision of Wylie ISD personnel; however, students are expected to behave appropriately.