Choir ensembles in Branson
photo credit: Gwen Murphy
Dancing duo \\ Seniors Kambry Robinson and Randy Points perform at the winter concert. They, along with other choir students, will travel to Branson March 4 for a performance.
March 1, 2016
Tourists can’t help falling in love with the Elvis impersonator at the Legends in Concert show that Branson has to offer.
Various choir members are headed to Branson, Missouri March 4-7, where they’ll get to see this exact show. All 22 members and four chaperones will depart on a Lone Star Coach charter bus at 5:30 in the morning, March 4. When they reach Branson, they’ll check into the Grand Oaks Hotel, and begin their adventure.
“We’ll be going to the Titanic Museum and lots of different shows, and we’ll also do a little shopping,” said Choir Director Mrs. Terry Berrier.
These choir trips make a reoccurrence every two years, and Mrs. Berrier picks the location every time.
“Branson is different than any other place; there’s lots to do, and my choir director friends say that it’s a very positive experience. On this trip you get a lot of bang for your buck,” Mrs. Berrier said.
To prepare for these choir outings, Mrs. Berrier picks a variety of songs for the choir to perform, and there are many rehearsals to attend.
“I feel like our rehearsals are going well and I think that we’ll be very successful with our performance,” said freshman Brittany Berger, who’s going on the trip.
The choir will perform in uniform at the Clay Cooper Theater in Branson on March 5, then they’ll watch the following Haygoods show.
“I’m most excited about the performance because it’ll give us more experience in a different kind of environment that we aren’t used to,” said Berger.
The purpose of this trip is to learn about commercial performance, so the choir is looking forward to Branson giving them a lot of new experiences.
“This trip will give me a chance to practice singing and we’ll see professional performers so that will give me a chance to learn,” junior Amanda Kounlavouth said.
Make sure to wish the choir goodbye and good luck when they head off on their road trip to Missouri March 4.