Taking flight
photo credit: Jessica Blakely
Soaring Eagle Scout \\ Standing at attention during the Veteran’s Day Ceremony hosted by JROTC, sophomore Austin Byboth’s commitment and leadership helped him earn the Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts.
March 31, 2015
Life Scout Austin Byboth achieves Eagle Scout rank
Jokes and laughter flew around the First Baptist Church of Wylie’s event center March 23 at sophomore Austin Byboth’s Eagle Court of Honor.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank achievable by a Boy Scout and requires the scout to progress through five other ranks, earn 21 merit badges, serve in a leadership position for at least six months, plan and complete a service project and successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review.
In the traditional style, Scoutmasters, fellow scouts and notable figures spoke at the ceremony while close friends and family looked on. Those among the crowd included Doctor Jacob Day, Mayor Eric Hogue, Lieutenant Colonel Wilbanks, Sergeant Lisa Breuer and the Byboth family.
The mayor took the stage to proclaim March 23 Austin Byboth Day and also to present him with a challenge coin to remind him of Wylie no matter where life takes him. Byboth is the only Eagle Scout to ever receive one of these coins.
“Two things about Austin, he has always made me feel old and he has always shown respect to adults,” Hogue said.
Part of Troop 78 since its formation in 2010, Byboth was the first Chaplain’s Aide, often led the troop’s prayer and volunteered first for most everything.
“We’ll always remember Austin as a great leader,” Scoutmaster Roger Barnheart said. “Even if adults remember wondering where he was leading them.”
Scouts came forward and recounted examples and stories of Byboth fulfilling each part of the Scout’s code; trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.
“My first campout he and the other scouts made a fort and he decided to call it Fort Nolan to welcome me to the troop,” Scout Nolan Cooper said.
Once the stories were told the present Eagle Scouts took the stage to recite the code.
Byboth’s fellow Scouts then traded out the kerchief of his previous Life Scout rank for that of the Eagle Scout and Byboth gave his speech quoting George S. Patton and reading a letter written to his mom for all her help with the troop and his achievement of this rank.
“I am ready and prepared to give back all that I have received to my community and country,” Byboth said.