Rings of seniors
photo credit: Clay Little
Nice ring to it \\ Junior Holt Black asked Coach Joe Castleman to present him with his class ring. The annual ring ceremony took place Dec. 4 in the auditorium.
December 5, 2014
Juniors receive senior class rings
An array of voices swirled in the auditorium Dec. 4 as the junior class, their parents and their honored teachers settled in for the Ring Ceremony.
As each student was called across the stage to receive their class ring, their honored teacher waited with smiles and the little boxes.
Junior Kristen Plunk’s ring was presented by Abe Castellano, her fifth and sixth grade band teacher at Harrison Intermediate School.
“He was a fun and a nice teacher that would tell jokes and make our days better,” Plunk said.
Counselor Natalie Nuss was the guest speaker and spoke of the meaning of the class rings and how they will connect the graduates of the school.
Junior Andrea Coca enjoyed seeing the junior class all together and walking the stage knowing their graduation is only a year away. Her ring was presented by English teacher Matt Spencer.
“I had him freshman year and he really helped us choose our college and career path,” Coca said. “I wanted him to be there for my ring ceremony to help start the rest of my future.”