Gone gone gone teachers
photo credit: Tyler Harris
Coming home \\ Marching along with a patchwork of teachers and students, Mrs. Robin Bray takes part in the teacher March-a-Spot Nov. 7. “It went really well, better than I thought it would,” junior Kailee Zercher said.
November 10, 2014
Teachers march with band
Morning band practice was shaken up Nov. 7 when students worked to teach the teachers their marching routine.
“It was weird; we were trying to teach them in a day what we do in a month,” senior Jamie Tourtilloutt said.
The students marched first to show the teachers what to do, then talked them through the set.
“The hardest part was learning the routine,” Coach John Maxwell said, “It was not easy at all.”
Each band member had the opportunity to recruit and instruct a teacher on how to march the student’s spots.
“I thought it would be the band directors doing it,” junior Kailee Zercher said, “Then he said pick a teacher and I thought ‘oh this will be fun.’”
A large number of teachers and staff, including Principal Mike Williams, Pre-AP Pre-calculus Teacher Pauline Cheng, Newspaper Teacher Casi Thedford and Maxwell, joined their students on the football field.
“It was an opportunity to be recognized by a student,” Maxwell said, “It was greatness.”