The Video Game High School club members ranked 1,785th out of 35,509 in the Major League Gamers Online United States Competition held this past weekend.
Modeled after a famous YouTube challenge, VGHS students learned gaming strategies.
The following students placed in the top six percent of national teams: Chris Vaughan, Rodney Vaughan, Chase Erickson, Steven Oor, Tim Yarbrough, Raymond Huber, Caroline Witty and Anthony Field.
“VGHS narrowly missed a chance to compete for a championship held in California later this spring,” Gamers Club Sponsor David Shipp said.
The team rented out a room at Game Trade to participate in the MLG Competition where they played online against players across the nation.
Junior Caroline Witty helped her team play Call of Duty Ghosts with an unusual tactic.
“I was jail bait and a suicide bomber,” Witty said. “I would run out in the middle of where we were stationed as a target. This way, I could tell my team where the other players were.”