Mooning camera is child pornography
October 9, 2013184 Views
Dropping your pants and showing the camera might sound like an innocent joke, but in reality, it could cause someone to commit a federal offense.
It is not illegal if a person takes the picture, but what is illegal is if a person sends or posts those photos online for underage people to see. This charge faces a penalty of not more than 180 days in a county jail and/or a fine of no more than $2,000.
Senior Evans Biney knows first-hand about mooning the camera (pulling your pants down and showing your bottom to a camera and or another person) and having people show others without his permission. Although Evans and his friend were not charged, they faced other consequences.
“Last year I did it because some of my friends peer pressured me into doing it. I regret it because it was put into a video without my permission,” Biney said.
In order for a person to show or post an exposing photo of someone under the age of 18, said person must get permission from the person committing the act. It becomes child pornography when the pictures are transmitted or viewed by someone else of legal age.
“I regret it because I got suspended and had In School Suspension,” Biney said
Counselors have students’ best interest in mind.
“We hope that every student portrays a responsible and honorable adult behavior while at school and in the community,” Counselor Mrs. Emily Whittle said.