Due to additional student parking needs and to maintain student safety, some changes in traffic patterns at WEHS have changed. Please review the map and locations for entrances, exits and traffic flow patterns.
Changes in traffic patterns
- All students being dropped off or being picked up, morning or afternoon, will now take place in what was the bus loop. We do not want student drivers and buses mixing because of safety concerns. Do not drop students at the front circle or auditorium. The doors will not be open in those areas.
- All buses will drop off and pick up in what was the parent drop off area. (Brown Street entrance). Student drivers will be able to enter from the Brown Street entrance in the morning and park in the gym or cafeteria parking lots.
- Between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. this area will only be open to buses. No cars will be able to exit from this area until 4:30 p.m.
- All afternoon traffic students, parents, and staff will exit the north exit to Wylie East Drive. At Wylie East Drive the traffic may turn right to Hwy. 78 or left to exit down Brown Street or Stone Road.
- The Brown Street exit will only be used by buses between 3:30-4:30 p.m.
- We ask that the front circle be used only for “staffulty” and visitor parking. No students should be dropped on at the front. Doors will not be opened to allow students to enter. All students will enter the school from three areas.
- Bus loop-South side of building
- Parent drop off- behind cafeteria
- Main Street- 150 doors.
- During marching band season the cafeteria parking lot will not be open for student parking until 8:30 a.m.