Students will watch teacher skid in parking lot

May 26, 2011
Pre-AP Algebra I teacher Kathy Milton is taking her class outside to the parking lot to conduct an experiment of braking distance of a speeding car Friday, May 27.
“I’m taking my students outside,” Milton said. “I will then get the car up to a certain speed and hit the brakes The students will measure the distance and time it took the car to come to a stop and how fast I was going.”
Officer Shane Varner will also be outside during the experiment.
“I will be recording the speed of the car with my radar gun,” Varner said.
The speed recorded will be used to check if the students’ calculations are accurate.
There will also be an Accident Reconstruction Specialist from the Wylie Police Department. There to talk to the students about how math has to do with driving and car accidents.
“This will help the students understand how we use math in real life,” Milton said.