Live your life don’t Facebook it

writer: Caitlyn Bogart, Co-Editor In Chief

Thirty seconds ago…two minutes ago…about 10 minutes ago…less than an hour ago…Who wants to read it? There are people on Facebook that post everything they do. It’s so obnoxious! When I get to Facebook to get information or let someone know something I don’t want to have to browse through what you had for lunch and miscellaneous updates every two minutes. What purpose does it serve? I don’t mind two to three posts a day if you have a super exciting day, that’s fine. But when you are updating that you’re watching TV and you don’t like the show, that has no point. Find something better to do with your time. Who are you posting for anyway? If there is a person who you want to know every aspect of your life every second you’re living it, text them. When 4/5 posts on my wall are from the same person and that is a consistent occurrence it makes me wonder about what you’re really doing with your life. Are you living? Or, are you Facebooking the shadow of a life?

It is not necessary to post everything on Facebook. Go live. Don’t spend your time filling in the rest of the world when you can spend it making more memories. What really matters to you? Make a decision.

See you on the other side.