Staffulty gon’ and done the two step

Teachers invite feeder schools to ‘Git Up’ challenge

Casi Thedford

More stories from Casi Thedford

photo credit: Casi Thedford
Follow af-ter me \\ Assistant Principal Adam Jacobson, drill team director Brittany Miller, Principal Mike Williams and the rest of the Raider Staff ‘slide to the left’ as they perform their ‘Git Up’ dance challenge. The Raider staffulty summoned all schools in their feeder pattern to take the ‘Git Up’ challenge.

The latest online challenge made its way to Raider Nation Aug. 14.

It started with the principals performing the dance on the auditorium stage in front of the staff during inservice just before the school year kicked off.

“Because the district theme was Riding for the Brand, I thought it would be something fun, full of energy, and a great bonding activity to bring our new staff together,” Assistant Principal Mrs. Angela Arp said.

Led by marketing and digital audio teacher Mr. Levi Turner, the staff learned and practiced the “Git Up” by Blanco Brown before taking it to the gym Aug. 14 where video productions teacher Mr. Tristan Rouse filmed amd edited the dance before posting it to social media.

“I am extremely proud of the teachers’ dancing skills,” Mr. Turner said.

Dressed in their best western attire, the teachers and support staff scooted their boots to Billboard’s latest number one country streaming song.

Principal Mike Williams ‘challenged’ all feeder schools to perform the dance.

“A staff who laughs together, stays together!” Arp said.